Wednesday 10 August 2011

PART FOUR: DRAWING FIGURES: Project: The clothed figure

I again used my sister Jo as a model who was more than happy to get undressed into her dressing gown, being pregnant and tired a lot of the time. I tried to approach the drawing as a whole so as not to get 'distracted by details of the sitter's dress'. I wanted to give a clear idea of her body underneath but at the same time put enough focus on the folds of fabric. I used a fairly soft pencil for the drawing which enabled me to create volume by hatching the differing tones across the dressing gown. I didn't want the fabric of the soft furnishings around Jo (the armchair, cushions, curtains) to swallow up the fabric of her clothes so I didn't overdo the background infromation. The overall feel of the drawing I think is one of relaxed luxury - maybe luxury is too strong a word, but something like that. The folds of loose fabric around her body and the sleepy, laid back pose make me feel cosy, and that was the feeling I wanted to achieve with the drawing. I guess knowing my sister really well, and being very close as friends as well as siblings perhaps makes me feel like this around her anyway...

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